capri, naples

Ciao Bella / Bello! Where. To. Even. Begin. Never did I imagine that 48 hours on this teeny tiny island could be so amazing, eventful and… Quite frankly there’s too many adjectives that I could use to encapsulate this weekend with. So, why don’t I just recount the best parts about it instead?

I won’t lie, getting to the island was a hassle since there were thunderstorm threats and severe wind storms happening. I had missed the last ferry running that day by 3 minutes and then the rest were cancelled or suspended until further notice. Thankfully I’d been told about a different type of ferry that was most likely still running so me and everyone else that had been stranded in Naples due to the weather hauled ourselves to Calata Porta di Massa and scrambled to get a ticket for the 12:00pm ferry. From then on, it was smooth sailing (except for the actual ferry ride which felt like being on a rollercoaster).

My friend, Francesca, met me shortly after I’d checked into my Air BnB and took me to the Augusta Gardens. The view was breathtaking. Not only are you surrounded by a beautiful array of flowers and the laboratory for Carthusia Perfumi di Capri, but you can see the entire Capri side of the island and the faraglioni. It’s a beautiful, relaxing part of Capri that feels so closed off from everything else despite how small the island is. That same evening Francesca also took me to Faro, a huge lighthouse on the edge of the Anacapri side of the island with a gorgeous beach and is the best place to watch the sunset she told me.

The following Saturday morning was slow and relaxed, spent at marina piccola. The sun bathed us as we spent our time catching up over the last two years, reading and sleeping. Eventually we bucked up enough courage to attempt swimming in the freezing sea. It was nothing short of refreshing but nevertheless, it was a quick dip in and then immediately out. I was spoiled rotten on this trip as Francesca’s Nonna had prepared us the most delicious lunch- including homemade arancini because she’d found out it was one of my favourite Italian dishes which was so lovely. Needless to say we were fed until we could eat no more and everything she served us was heavenly. From the beef stew to the different types of arancini to the café & biscotti for dessert. I then spent the rest of the afternoon window shopping by the designer boutiques (although I did spring for a perfume from Carthusia & an espresso cup as mementos), wandering around Capri- including a very very long walk down to a viewpoint of the fraglioni which was a perfect afternoon before the later events :)

Truthfully, I have no idea where we actually went dancing that Saturday night. We left for Capri (from Anacapri) at midnight and went for drinks before entering this narrow little door situated between two shops which then led to an underground club. Despite not knowing exactly where we were it was so much fun! We spent the rest of the night dancing literally till our feet were aching and I wouldn’t have had it any other way to celebrate my last night on the island. I still hate the fact this trip was so short, especially since once I arrived I immediately fell in love with the island but I was here to see a friend who is still in school (as school in Italy finishes a year later than in the UK) so even if I did stay for longer we wouldn’t have had much more time together :(

This trip was the first time I’ve ever travelled solo and the first time I’d seen my beautiful friend Francesca in almost 2 years- which is a crime and I wish so much we could see each other more often. It was the quickest trip I’ve ever taken but one of my favourites by far, and I hope to visit again as soon as possible (it’s a need not a want :)). Pictures and words do not do this place justice. Ti voglio bene, Francesca & Capri <3 A più tardi!


crossing things off my bucket list


the affordable art fair